Yes, Precocious has moved to a spiffier server, with PHP goodness! Thanks to the good folks at SpiderForest, I have improved myself!
It may take up to 48 hours for everything to work itself out, but the hope is you all only see this page once. While I’m leaving all the old content on the emeybee domain – so you stragglers can find me - all updates will now happen at
My second piece of (visual) fan art! This striking piece comes from Jimmy Misanthrope, creator of the great comic Agents of the Endtimes. Head on over to the extras page to see the large and in charge image. I promise I will make a seperate fan art page soon! I'm slacking in web design, ok? Anyway, I love Jimmy's style of drawing and it's a great honor to see my characters drawn by him. Much thanks!
Now that I've been accepted into the SpiderForest webcomic collective - check out the new header at the top! - I've got some improving to do. The big thing is that I am moving hosts. Say goodbye to the emeybee address! SpiderForest, with its many new and shiny features, will be Precocious' home. My domain has and will always been so if you've bookmarked it you'll be fine. If you bookmarked the emeybee address, then fix it!
While you shouldn't notice many changes on the front end, I am also completely revamping the code to a PHP-based system. (It's kinda absurd that I've been doing this all with hand-coded html.) I don't know when I'll have the new site ready, as I know NOTHING about PHP (thanks in advance to SpiderForest assistance!), but I hope it's soon. Switching hosts and coding means I have a lot of issues to work out. I'll give you more info when the move gets closer.
As I've had lots of expenses recently, I'm doing a little art push to see if anyone is willing to buy some of my paintings relatively cheap. Be it my fine art stuff, or the darling Precocious compositions you see above, a 9"x12" painting can be yours for the right price. I'll also take requests for Precocious paintings, if there's a character/action you'd like to see. (Keep in mind the size of the canvas.) Head over to my fine art site for bite-sized painting glory! Anyone have disposable income in this economy? Anyone? *crickets*
Don't you hate how everything goes into repeats during the summer? Well, guess what! Since you have so much free time now, I'm going to treat you with a lovely epic story arc! Over the next seven weeks, please enjoy the "Disorganized Sports" tale! Most of our friends will be making appearances (well, not the Oven parents - one can only guess where they are) and a new face or two will show up. If you don't like storytelling in Precocious, at least you have the random-gag Sundays. Also, get with the program! Storytelling is awesome!
How's this for the second-ever piece of Precocious fan art? The amazing Daniel Distelle composed this amazing theme for Precocious, and I am still awestruck by its beauty and his generosity. It took me weeks to work up this post purely because I could not find the proper words to express my thanks. I still can't, but it's better to fail and words and SHARE THE AWESOME MUSIC than fail at words and let genius go unappreciated. The subtitle of the piece is very Precocious = "Everyone is a moon, we all have a dark side."
Edit: Here's an mp3 version if you can't play the other file.
Check it out! Somebody out there likes me! Many thanks to ArtPatient for the write-up. That makes *two* reviews of Precocious now! I swear, it's like Precocious is real strip!
If you don't have a StumbleUpon account, sign up for one now (and download the handy toolbar for firefox!) then use your new power to give me some thumbs up and positive reviews! There's a Stumble button on every page - plus a sharing button for other non-SU sharing methods - so start using 'em if you think the strip is fun! Every little bit helps this young strip reach new readers.
Here’s a post I never thought I’d have to make. I need to point out some quirks in the transcription process because you people are *too* helpful! Major thanks to Spheniscine and danieldistelle for leading the way!
Anyway, the deal with the transcribe button is that it takes whatever the current url of the page is and submits it to the database. Since most get to the lastest comic's page by clicking the comment button, that means the page could get submitted with #respond on the end of the url. The transcription code isn't smart enough to realize that's the same page as the url without #respond, so it throws up another transcribe button – and I get double transcripts! (Something I never thought would happen.) If you're doing the current strip's transcription, make sure #respond is not in the url when you submit. (Simply going back a page and forward again clears it. You can also do this to check if someone's submitted a transcription yet.)
I’m still amazed and grateful to have such excellent help from you guys. The transcriptions are of top quality and every little bit done is a little bit I don't have to do myself in the future!
As I continue to add allies, favorites and kindred spirits, the Friends/Idol page was updated again. Listings have been added for Housepets, Pictures for Sad Children and Cosmic Hellcats. If you have any suggestions or want to join in the fun with a banner exchange or something, send me a note!
Alright, here we go! Precocious has entered a new realm, a realm where you can comment directly on the comics! The entire archive now has the commenting option. (Ye gods, that took forever.) Now, what do I do with the shoutbox? Do I keep it around in case someone wants to say something for the homepage, or do I toss it out and let the IntenseDebate handle everything? If this was an imported blog, I could have that cake an eat it too, but this is just me typing in Dreamweaver. On that note, Dreamweaver doesn't have a spellcheck and is non-sentient (so far), so odds of a typo/mental error on my part somewhere along the line are high. Let me know if you find any mistakes.
Also, you'll notice that I've made all strips into links. You can now move to the next page in the archive by simply clicking the on the comic. This is to save time for all those who are hopelessly lazy. Man, why did I have to let the archive get close to 200 before making sweeping changes?
Also also, you should check out this page of War of Winds, by Kez! If you look closely, you'll see the tapestries on the wall in the first panel are displaying MY ARTWORK! How awesome is that?
Head over to the Extras page to check out the latest Precocious wallpaper, featuring the darling Oven family!
This is my reward to you for good voting habits! Precocious remains on the front page of all the voting sites. (Although I've slipped a bit recently... *cough*) Thus, I love you all! Voting incentives (bribes) will continue as planned, so don't worry about having to vote out of the kindness of your hearts. You get bonus stuff! (Well, WebcomicZ and Super100 require kindness, but I hope you're still coasting on the TWC and Webcomic Planet incentive highs for those.)
Check out the interview I did with the Palace in the Sky group! It was a fun excuse to blather on about how awesome I am.
Much to my delight, Precocious was mentioned in a Kidjutsu blog about Webcomics Calvin and Hobbes Fans Would Enjoy. That's flattery of the highest order, so I can't help but pass it along! I'm a big fan of Kidjutsu's goal of providing comics for kids, and hope to join it soon. If you have some time, click on its ad, check out the site and read around!